Georgia, a country with a population of 3.7 million citizens has in recent years positioned itself as a growing and developing country that is embracing Western culture while maintaining its glorious cultural and historical identity.
Until the covid-19 pandemic spreaded globally, Georgia presented growth in almost every economic and commercial parameter. International companies such as Max& Spenecr, Elbit Systems, Ytong have set up manufacturing plants in the country, tourism industry has prospered, high-tech centers and high-tech colleges have been established, Hollywood-made films have been shot in the country and international film studios established in Georgia local activities, culture has blossomed and it can be clearly said that Georgia’s future never seems so bright.
Of course, Georgia suffered and struggled like every other country with the global pandemic, and only lately, due to Georgia’s national vaccination project, Georgia starts to overcome the economic crisis.
Georgia’s economy showed 44.8% growth in April 2021 compared to the same period last year, – preliminary data from Geostat (Georgia Bureau of Statistics) explains such high economic growth as a result of what is known as the “Base Effect”. According to Geostat, VAT taxpayers’ turnover made up 8.44 billion GEL in April, the figure is 93% high compared to the same period of 2020.
Export growth also had a positive effect on economic growth, which increased by 19.6% this year.
Geostat report noted that in April 2021, projected growth was observed compared to the same period last year in the following sectors: manufacturing, construction, trade, transportation and storage, hotels and restaurants, financial and insurance activities, as well as in the real estate, technology, science and professional services industries.
It is important in that context to emphasize that the tourism industry in Georgia, is a significant industry for Georgian economy which is branded as an attractive destination for tourists and up to the Corona period Georgia showed an increase of nearly 25% per year in the number of tourists entering the country. In 2019, about 9 million tourists visited Georgia, including over 205,000 Israeli tourists. Of course, with the Covid-19 restrictions during the global pandemic, the above numbers decreased drastically.
Georgia has adopted a strict regime of closing their borders during the pandemic in order to control the virus spreading, and currently only allows foreign tourists presenting a vaccine certificate to enter the country (or alternatively those who are not vaccinated are required to perform a virus detecting test and a limited quarantine period). Georgia approved Israel’s so-called “Green Passport” (an Israeli Vaccination Certificate) and allows fully vaccinated tourist from Israel to enter the country without any restrictions. Of course, the Israelis did not wait long and already on May, the Hebrew language can be heard in the streets of Tbilisi and Batumi.
Source of Geostat:–in-april-in-georgia/83729
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